Archive for April 26, 2016


Basic hand quilting

To me hand quilting is a dying art. Most people I know have never even heard of it. I even got asked once, isn’t that what machines are for? Yes you can find that most sewing machines have settings to allow you to quilt the patters much easier and faster than hand quilting. I confess I have a sewing machine that’s main purpose is quilting but that’s beside the point… there is no greater accomplishment than knowing you did all that work by hand. About a year ago i started on a quilt that was made up completely of left over scraps from past quilts and quarter panels from the...

Hello world!

Come in, relax, and just take a minute to breathe. If your like me, you’ve more than likely been up to your eyeballs in trying new ideas whether its been a new recipe, that “simple” craft you found or even the endless DIY projects you see on pinterest. I get it, your not crafty, there’s not a crafty bone in your entire body. Trust me I know its like every thing you try never seems to turn out, its completely different from the original design you based it on. That was me I had all these ideas on new things i wanted to do to make my house, yard, and...