Hello world!

Come in, relax, and just take a minute to breathe. If your like me, you’ve more than likely been up to your eyeballs in trying new ideas whether its been a new recipe, that “simple” craft you found or even the endless DIY projects you see on pinterest. I get it, your not crafty, there’s not a crafty bone in your entire body. Trust me I know its like every thing you try never seems to turn out, its completely different from the original design you based it on. That was me I had all these ideas on new things i wanted to do to make my house, yard, and even my dog better! However I had one thing working against me, ability. I had plenty of time and ideas but actually trying to do them made me want to quite literally pull my hair out. Nothing worked, I thought about giving up and just buying the things I needed, but I was too determined to make it all myself. That why i’m sharing my tips on how I was able to teach myself to be crafty. The feeling of being able to see your work throughout your house and have your hubby happy with a full stomach is worth the many times you came close to starting world war three (ok maybe that’s exaggerating a tad, but its pretty close).

This is the place I want women like me to feel motivated again to decorate their house, make a quilt for that new baby in the family, make gourmet food, or creating a beautiful landscape for your yard. Its time to accomplish the impossible and start turning your home into the place you always imagined it to be!

More about Katie

Hard working girl, with three jobs and working on finding the real me. Trying hard to define my own version of an independent women.

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