New Adventure for this Crazy Thing Called Life!

Life can change so quickly in good ways and bad. For me I had a change happen in my life that was definitely a new and big difference to my crazy life but the happiest of changes. Just this last summer I had the wonderful experience of getting engaged to the man of my dreams. After four long years of bliss he decided it was time to put a ring on it! Now the fun (but stressful) part is about to begin! I’ve been so excited to finally start planning everything. Lets face it I’ve been pretty much planning my wedding since I could barely walk and like any other girl in the 21st century my pinterest wedding page is jammed packed with all the perfect ideas to plan the perfect wedding. I’m just now excited to finally start finalizing the details. the first thing that I and my fiance agreed on is that we wanted our wedding to be a good time where people wanted to stay and have fun! Of course planning the perfect wedding comes at a cost and being a simple girl from a small town in Utah a large budget is a lot easier said than done. My biggest struggle in starting the planning process is finding items that fit in a small budget like mine. I can’t imagine I’m the only one with this struggle when trying to plan the wedding of your dreams. Even if money isn’t an issue for you sometimes it helps to have helpful tips and tricks that save a little cash for the honeymoon or maybe towards your savings for the new journey ahead! It was hard deciding where to start and what would be the best thing to do to start into to this next year of planning. Of course not everyone has that long especially here in Utah where three to four months is the typical wedding time frame. For me I tend to stress out too much if I don’t have plenty of time to plan something out and working a full-time job it just made more sense to have a longer engagement. Now I have time to save, make detailed plans and get things done right instead of feeling like I’m rushed. In the midst of starting the planning I realize there are so many things to keep in mind like the many expenses and details that you have to think about to make your dream a reality. For me I decided to think ahead and get a wedding planner notebook. I  didn’t want just any simple book I wanted something that had it all, something that would be one stop book with all my basic essential needs. In all my searching I came across the perfect book that didn’t break the bank! I found it on amazon, called wedding planning organizer which I have linked on the name. Its been an absolute breeze planning when I should start working on something, keeping track of my budget, listing different options for different venues, dresses and anything I need to write down so I don’t forget! it may not be the cheapest option cause I know being the crafty self that I am I could have made my own organizer however it was worth the price to have one that was already made that has things in there I wouldn’t have even thought of when making one my self. You don’t have to purchase something like this especially if you find yourself needing to put that money toward something else. However it has been such a stress reliever to have something like this that does it all. I want to share my findings for those of you that are in the same boat or maybe helping someone you know! For a lot of my next posts I will be putting a lot of my ideas that I have, items I have found that are cheap or things I’ve been able to do myself. I always feel so rewarded being able to help others when I can and I hope I will be able to do that with all the new ideas I have with this new adventure happening in my life!


More about Katie

Hard working girl, with three jobs and working on finding the real me. Trying hard to define my own version of an independent women.

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